A short history of Sigma Chapter, the 17th House of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Produced and edited by Sigma Chapter Brother Justin A. Petty (Fall 1992) in honor of the Chapter's 90th Anniversary.


Chapter Lineage

“The Pool of Brotherhood Runs Deep”


edward bush jourdain



Norris Bumstead Herndon - Harvard
Charles Hamilton Houston - Harvard



James C. Evans
Felix C. Thurmond
Ernest G. Balla
Edgar Gordon
Silas F. Taylor
A. B. Lattimore
Julian D. Rainey
F. F. Wheelock
Butler Roland Winston, Jr.
Arnold Bennett Donowa
Edward Howard
Harvey Belmanie Shaw - Boston University
Douglas T. Murray


Fall 1923/Spring 1924

Dr. J. Boggs - Boston University Medical School


Fall 1924

Lloyd Meegee Cofer- Tufts
Claude Randolph Taylor- Tufts
Alexander B. Stone- Boston University
Archibald J. Berry- Massachusetts College of Pharmacy


Spring 1925

Cyril F. Butler
Llyod F. Marshall
John Albert Sanders
Nathaniel Simmons
David E. Lane
George A. Robinson
Jackson A. Robinson
G. Robert Perry
James T. Hewlett


Fall 1925 - Novermber 19, 1925

William H. Bethel- MIT
Edward S. Hope- MIT
John E. Wyche- Boston University


Spring 1927

Ferdinand Lucien Rousseve - MIT
John T. Lane
Henry Giddings



Armand V. Boutee - Massachusetts College of Pharmacy
Julian C. Branker - Boston University
Harry Parris - MIT
William Bradford Pratt - Harvard
Clarence Reid - Boston University
John Edmund Moseley - Tufts


Spring 1929

J. Brown - Harvard
William I. Gosuell - Boston University
Antonio de Jesus Cardozo - Suffolk Law


Spring 1930

Alonzo G. Moron- Brown
Oliver Boutte- Northeastern University
Ewart Gladstone Guinier - Harvard



Casper Ferguson - Boston College



George H. Windsor - Bates


Fall 1939

Thomas Cathcart
William Leak
Cyrus H. Peters
Percy J. Pitts
Dr. Henry C. Turner (Honorary)



Hilton Gray Hill, II - Boston University



Dr. Gregory P. Carter


Fall 1941 - November

Reynolds Costa - Boston University
James Lane - Boston College
Milton M. Conliffe - Tufts College



Howlett E. Chandler- Suffolk
John P. Rice, Jr.



Emerson Pierce
Robert L. Levister- Suffolk
Romayne V. Lippman, Jr.- Suffolk
Baron H. Martin- Suffolk


Spring 1949 - April 29, 1949

Intake Chair: John T. Letts

Henry Jacques Hall
John Pierpont Rice, Jr.
George Alfred Strait
William H. Wells


Spring 1950 - March 25, 1950

Intake Chair: Royal L. Bolling

Richard Branker
Wesley Brown
William V. Deare
William Gardner
Louis Johnson
William Ramsey
Gerald E. Thomas


Spring 1951 - April 14, 1951

Intake chair: Thomas A. Canter

Walter L. Brown
Leonard A. Braithwaite
Walter Carrington
Joseph S. Mitchell, Jr.
Maston A Nelson, Jr.
Emerson J Pierce
William R. Dorsey - Springfield College
William K. Wolfe - Springfield College


Spring 1952 - June 22, 1952

Alfred Johnson - Boston University
Harvey Washington
Herman Hemingway - Brandeis University
Starr Scott
Martin Luther King, Jr. - Boston University
Kenneth Simmons
Ernest Simms
John Bustemente
William Morris


Spring 1953 - May 1953

Lionel O. Lindsay, Jr.
Melvin H. Miller
Otis A. Gates, III - Harvard University
Donald Simmons
William Wharton
Louis Downing
Oliver Galloway


Spring 1955 - May 14, 1955

Intake Chair: Lionel O. Lindsay, Jr.

Donald Bridgeforth
John G. Bynoe
Lester F. Chambers
Leslie A. Lacey
Nathaniel L. Lacey
Leroy Walton


Spring 1956 - May 12, 1956

Ernest E. Cherrie, Jr. - Boston University
Norman P. Hunte
Jarrell S. Mitchell - Boston University


Spring 1957 - May 25, 1957

Noel F. Parris, Jr.
Richard J. Perry - Massachusetts College of Pharmacy
Charles J. Wiltz
William Thomas Fuller, Jr.
Vernon M. Rhineheart


Spring 1958 - April 26, 1958

Charles S. Collins
Robert D. Storey
Cleveland M. Coats - Northeastern University
Richard P. Evans
Theodore R. Parrish


Fall 1958 - January 25, 1959

H. Carl McCall


Spring 1959 - May 8, 1959

Intake Chair: Edward Patterson

Rudolph N. Gordon, II
John Martin
Bradford Jameison, Jr.


Spring 1960 - April 1, 1960

Intake chair: Rudolph N. Gordon, II

Thomas D. Broadwater
Artur H. Hoyte
Charles N. Turner
William L Strickland
John G. Butler
Ervin O. Parris - Massachusetts College of Pharmacy
Earl W. Schley


Spring 1961 - May 21, 1961

Nolan Atkinson, Jr.
John E. Cawthorne - Harvard University
William H. Exum
Horace F. Graves
Samuel C. Johnson, Jr.
James F. Leath, Jr.
Stanley H. Walker
Harold P. Douglas
Wesley S. Williams


Spring 1962 - May 12, 1962

Intake chair: Nolan Atkinson

James Banks
Larry Galindo
Robert German
James Hoyte


Fall 1963

intake chair: John E. Cawthorne

Leslie Clerons
Belford V. Lawson, III - Harvard University
Thomas D. Pawley, IV. - Harvard University
Roscoe Trimmier, Jr.
James Wiley


Spring 1965

intake chair: Thomas D. Pawley, IV

J.B. Scott - Harvard University
Thaddas L. Alston - Harvard University
Stanley Goldsboro - Boston University


Spring 1966 - January 1966


Walter Malette - Boston University


Spring 1966 - April 6, 1966

intake chair: Thaddas L. Alston

Ernest Attah
Robert Aulston - Boston University
Charles Desmond - Boston University
Brian Dillard
Wendell Knox - Harvard University
Robert D. Lonian
Walter Malette
Robert Scott - Harvard University
Albert Tolbert
Jerry Walker - Harvard University


Spring 1968 - March 9, 1968


Mark E. Gibson
Frank B. Johnson, Jr.
George A. Russell, Jr.
John F. Williams, Jr.


Fall 1968/Spring 1969 : Unstoppable 17


Samuel Bryant
Lewis A. Graham
Ronald LeGrand
Willard Hill
Stafford Hillaire
Michael Jones
Phillip Jordan
Melvin Lipscomb
Richard E. Marshall
James Myers
Vernon Polite
Lincoln Pope
Harold L. Russell
James Simmons
William Swan
Marion Waters
David Wright


Spring 1969 : Seven Bold Souls - May 18, 1969


Mondell Davis
Wallace Rice
Joseph A. Hawkins
Carl Stanley
Michael Johnson
R. Guy Cole
Gerald Fowlkes


Spring 1970 : 16 Symbols of Soul - April 4, 1970


Ken Woodson
Bill Towns
Stephen S. Johnson, IV
Anthony Silver
Norris A. Dodson, III
Eugene R. Cade
Ford T. Dabney, III
Manfred H. Hayes - Boston University
Kenneth R. Holmes
Larry Whitehead
Randall Jones
John Billingslee, Jr.
Fred Moss - Boston University
Steven V. Giles
Robert L. Keene
James D. Garvin


Fall 1970 : Determined Duo- October 10, 1970

Intake chair: Richard Marshall

Robert Brayboy
Ray Shell


Spring 1971 : 18 Shades of Black - April 30, 1971


Louis K. Bosley
Milton O. Bradford
William G. Caldwell, III
Robert Derosiers
Ferell McDonald, Jr.
George H. Guilford
Randall H. Halstead
Alfred H. Harris
John A. Henderson
Charles M. Hightower
Dennis H. Hinson
Charles K. Lasister, III
James London, Jr.
Gary M. Lucas
Neil S. Rodgers
Charles L. Stroufe
Richard B. Turner
Ronald J. Wilson


Spring 1972 : Soul Survivors -  April 23, 1972


Jeffery Meyers
Carl Singletary
Edward Taylor


Spring 1973 : Tenacious Two - April 21, 1973


David I. Alexander
Bobby C. Stewart


Spring 1974 : Masters of Darkness - May 4, 1974


Tony Van Der Meer
Andre G. Wynn
Larry E. Sudberry
Ronald Waterford


Spring 1975 : Black Gold


Rod Blair
Kim Lasister
Grady Donald


Spring 1977: Seven Pharaohs of Faith -April 21, 1977

intake chair: George H. Guilford

Steven Brereton - Tuft University
Neil Cole - Tuft University
Daryl Watson - Tuft University
George Russell - Tuft University
Namsoo Dunbar - Tuft University
Melvin Reeves - Tuft University
Paul Johnson - Tuft University


Fall 1977 - December 11, 1977


Quinten K. Miles
Eric W. Miller


Spring 1978


Norman W. Harris, III


Fall 1979: Nissus Enduri


Karey B. Statin - Boston University
John L. Davis - Boston University


Spring 1980 : Mohagony

Brian Douglas
Simeon Euell
Leon Harrison, Jr.
Kenneth Stith
Aftern Sanderson, Jr.
Jean Celestin


Spring 1981 : Black Onyx

intake chair: Jean Celestin

Barton R. Greer - Boston University
Randall M. King - Boston University
Cedric H. Jones - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Alphonso D. Jordan - Boston University
Eddie Karim - Boston University
Anthony M. Akers - Boston University
Wilfred “Skip” Jones - Boston University


Spring 1982 : Ebony Solo

intake chair: Anthony M. Akers

Theotis Williams - Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Spring 1983 : Murani

Intake chair: Karey B. Statin

Byron Keith Thomas - Boston University
Maurice T. Joseph - Boston University
Willard A. Stanback, III - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Gregory A. Cook - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jeffrey Anthony - Boston University
Nathaniel A. Whitmal - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Howard Richard Jr.- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
John B. Searles - Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Spring 1984 : Anthrocite-April 20, 1984

intake chair: Nathaniel A. Whitmal
Asst. intake chair: Gregory A. Cook

Antone Wilson - Northeastern University
Kirk Wornum - Brandeis University
Greg Wright - Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Spring 1985 : Dark Phoenix - April 12, 1985

intake chair: Willard A. Stanback, III
Asst. intake chair: Greg Wright

Reginald D. Tucker - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kent A. Benjamin - University of Massachusetts/Boston
Anthony S. Rust - Tufts University
Walter Whitley - Boston University
Jonathan R. Mooty - Boston University


Fall 1985 : Golden Odyssey - December 6, 1985

Intake chair: Derrick Smith
Asst. intake chair: Walter Whitley

Derrick L. Grubb - Berklee College of Music
Anthony R. Anderson - Northeastern University
Mark I. Gross - Berklee College of Music


Fall 1986 : Pharoic Brilliance -December 13, 1986

Intake chair: Kent A. Benjamin
Asst. intake chair: Derrick L. Grubb

Rosendo R. Molina - Northeastern University
William McNeil - Boston College
R. Christopher Harris - Northeastern University
Larry Small - Boston University


Spring 1987 : Zenith - April 26, 1987

Intake chair: Walter Whitley
Asst. intake chair: Anthony R. Anderson

Antonio Hart - Berklee College of Music
Douglas McCollough - Berklee College of Music


Fall 1988 : Prometheus -December 3, 1988

intake chair: Anthony R. Anderson
Asst. intake chair: Douglas McCollough

Michael T. Brown - Northeastern University
Sean M. Hamer - Northeastern University
Mslunson H. Delly - Northeastern University
Shawn E. Carter - Northeastern University
F. Kevan Bowers - Boston College
Ramon D. Eady - Northeastern University
Kwame Ndzibah - Northeastern University
Lloyd Wheatley - Northeastern University
Carlos E. Phillips - Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Spring 1990 : Romulus - April 12, 1990

Intake chair: Kwame Ndzibah
Asst. Intake chair: R. Christopher Harris

Leroy A. E. Abraham - Northeastern University
Leroy Hodge - Notheastern University


Fall 1991 : Khepera Solo - December 7, 1991

Intake Chair: Sean Hamer
Asst. Intake Chair: Leroy A.E. Abraham

James E. Lay, III - Northeastern University


Spring 1992 : Mtenga - April 18, 1992

Intake Chair: Sean Hamer
Asst. Intake Chair: Mslunson H. Delly

George McAllister, II - Berklee College of Music
David Williams - Boston University


Fall 1992 : Dactyls - December 6, 1992

Intake Chair: Sean Hamer

Marcus V. McGregor - Boston College
Jemon L. Council - Berklee College of Music
Justin A. Petty - Berklee College of Music
Darryl G. Ford - Northeastern University
Hughan R. Frederick - University of Massachusetts /Boston


Spring 1993 : Thelatha Kani - April 25, 1993

Intake Chair: Kwame Ndzibah
Asst. Intake Chair: Marcus V. McGregor

William Thomas - Boston University
Douglas A. Miller, II - Boston University
Donald Lyons, Jr. - Boston College


Spring 1994 : Nwanneka - March 10, 1994

Intake Chair: Jemon L Council
Asst. Intake Chair: Donald Lyons, Jr.

Damien A. Mahaffey - Boston University
Irving P. Roman, Jr. - Boston University
Marcus P. Williams - Boston College
Nathaniel B. Brown - Boston University
Marquis D. Harper - Northeastern University


Spring 1995 : Ufasimba - February 25, 1995

Intake Chair: Douglas A. Miller, II
Asst. Intake Chair: Nathaniel B. Brown

Keith T. Singletary - Bentley College
Dale A. Burnett - Boston University
Gregory A. Francis - Northeastern University
Obinna A. Onyeagoro - Boston University


Fall 1995 : Harambe - November 29, 1995

Intake Chair: Nathaniel B. Brown
Asst. Intake Chair: Dale Burnett

Ossie David - Boston University
Tyreek O. Moore - Boston University


Fall 1996 : Chinweolu - October 25, 1996

Intake Chair: Dale Burnett
Asst. Intake Chair: Tyreek O. Moore

Obie Sims - Boston University
Ronald Mincy, Jr. - Boston University
Miguel A. Mercedes - Wentworth Institute of Technology


Spring 1998 : Baraka - March 15, 1998

Intake Chair : Tyreek O. Moore
Asst. Intake Chair: William Thomas

Roland L. Guevara - Boston University
Carl H. Allien - Northeastern University
Marvin L. Venay - Boston University
Eugene L. Schneeberg - Boston University


Fall 1998 : Amandla - December 4, 1998

Intake Chair: Miguel Mercedes
Asst. Intake Chair: Carl Allien

I. Sekou White - Boston University
David C. Brown - Boston University
James B. Mahaffey - Northeastern University
Craig O. L. Dixon - Boston University
Steven D. Pearson Jr. - Northeastern University


Fall 1999 : Horus - November 20, 1999

Intake Chair: Roland Guevara
Asst. Intake Chair: I. Sekou White

Etienne Lombard - Boston University
Tunde Kamson - Boston University


Spring 2000 : Aushindi - March 22, 2000

Intake Chair : I. Sekou White
Asst. Intake Chair: James Mahaffey

Onaje Crawford - Boston University
Shomari Moorehead - Boston University


Spring 2001 : Carthage - April 7, 2001

Intake Chair : James Mahaffey

Daouda Leonard - Northeastern University
Hayden Frederick-Clarke - Northeastern University
Kamau Georges - Berklee College of Music


Fall 2002 : Subiri - December 7, 2002

Intake Chair : Onaje Crawford

H. Carson Gardner, III- Boston University
Kevin Jackson- Boston College


Fall 2003 : Orisha - December 6, 2003

Intake Chair : Onaje Crawford
Asst. Intake Chair: Kevin Jackson

Curtis F. Randall - Boston College
Desmon W. Lewis - Boston College
Derrick H. Lewis - Boston College
A. Bisi Oyedele - Boston College


Spring 2005 : Shombay - March 26, 2005

Intake Chair : H. Carson Gardner
Asst. Intake Chair: Gregory Francis

Tony Rice II - Boston University
Brian Dixon - Northeastern University
Justin Thornton - Boston College
Deon Provost - Boston University


Spring 2006 : Mapacha - March 25, 2006

Intake Chair : Kevin Jackson
Asst. Intake Chair: Tony Rice II

Joshua Clarke - Boston University
Suahd Iddrissu - Brandeis University


Fall 2007 : Akoben - November 10, 2007

Intake Chair : Tony Rice II
Asst. Intake Chair: Joshua Clarke

Ahmed Ahmed - Boston University
Kalada Halliday - Boston University
Moses Soweto-Tsali Muir - Boston College
Douglas McEachern - Northeastern University


Fall 2009 : Akina - November 18, 2009

Intake Chair : Deon Provost
Asst. Intake Chair: Ahmed Ahmed

Ashton Combs - Berklee College of Music
Amon Robinson - Berklee College of Music
Reginald Alouidor - Northeastern University


Spring 2011 : Azizi -    April 9, 2011

Intake Chair : Gregory Francis
Asst. Intake Chair: Amon Robinson

Jordan Clark - Northeastern University
Javaughn Griffin - Northeastern University
Isaiah Duke - Emmanuel College


Fall 2013 : Azubuike - November 23, 2013

Intake Chair : Javaughn Griffin
Asst. Intake Chair: Jordan Clark

Ricky Rodriguez - Wentworth Institute of Technology
Kevin Smith - Boston University
Dexter L. McCoy - Boston University
Matthew Farmer - Boston University
Kyle Lawrence - Northeastern University
Jamil Williams - Boston University


Fall 2015 : Ithnaan Askari - November 14, 2015

Intake Chair: Jamil Williams
Asst. Intake Chair: Matthew Farmer

Yassine El Yousfi - Boston University
William Belt - Boston University


Spring 2017 : Kidus -  Febuary 24, 2017

Intake Chair: Yassine El Yousfi
Asst. Intake Chair: Kevin Smith

Henoss Taddesse - Northeastern University


Fall 2017 : Wepwawet -  November 4, 2017

Intake Chair: Henoss Taddesse

Jordan Williams - Boston University
Kyle Campbell - Boston University
DONoVAN Shipley- Boston University
Joshua Sutherland - BErKLEE Colege of Music
Ralph Karnuah - Northeastern University
Matthew Boykin - Boston University


Spring 2019 : Zlanquapea - March 23, 2019

Intake Chair: Henoss Taddesse
Asst. Intake Chair: Jordan Williams

dennis lurlay - Northeastern University
Yves oubida - Boston College
Emmanuel Reid- Boston University


Fall 2019 : KHONSU -  November 15, 2019

Intake Chair: Jordan Williams
Asst. Intake Chair: Yves oubida

AARON TORRES - Boston University
ANTHONY DONGFACK - Boston University
KENISE NEAL- Boston University


Fall 2022 : Abanoub -  November 7, 2022

ASST. INTAKE CHAIR: Trevon Sullen-Trotter



Fall 2023 : Tekrema -  October 30, 2023

INTAKE CHAIR: Donovan Shipley
ASST. INTAKE CHAIR: Anthony Dongfack

Kofi Frempong - bOSTON uNIVERSITY
Uchenna Nwosu - bOSTON uNIVERSITY